VNC isn't just the one method of connecting to the remote desktop. While the applications we'll be discussing in this article can support several types, we'll concentrate upon Virtual Network Computing (VNC) which is among the most well-known. There are a variety of protocols available and lots of users are already familiar with SSH. Utilizing these small, handy programs you can use computers over the internet with a variety of devices. This is the point where remote desktop software can be useful. It is possible to assist those on opposite side through the process of installing software or modify settings on the Windows machine at the convenience from your Linux desktop. There are instances where you have to remotely access all of your desktop sessions rather than just one application. Subscribe to either the print or digital Version of Linux Format here. It was featured in issue 220 of the magazine, which was published February 2017.
This article has been revised and revised It was first made available by MaddApple via Linux Format which is the most popular magazine for enhancing your knowledge about Linux open source, open source projects release of distros and more.